Travel warnings


You will find below, the list of islands and countries (having islands on their national territory), on which, one or more of the following governmental agencies expressed a travel warning for their nationals.

Only the most recent and current travel warnings are published in this section. Some regions are areas at risk since several months, even years and are misadvised travel destinations. 
Before choosing your travel destination, please consult our individual index cards on the safety on islands and contact the Foreign Office of your home country, to obtain the most recent advices.

The information published in this section, are excerpted from the following authorities :  Ministère Français des Affaires Étrangères ; Foreign & Commonwealth Office London ; Bureau of Consular Affairs of the United States of America ; Deutsches Auswärtiges Amt ; Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

To keep accurate to the travel warnings expressed by these authorities, we have published these warnings in the official language of publication. 


Current travel warnings

Updated travel warnings, since the last periodic updating.

Last update, April 14th, 2003



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