Travel warnings


April 12th, 2003

Canadians should not travel to the Southern Highlands Province and Enga Province. The Highlands provinces have been affected by high levels of election-related violence. Canadians travelling to other areas within the Highlands should exercise caution and contact the Australian High Commission in Port Moresby Canadians should not travel to the Southern Highlands Province and Enga Province. The Highlands provinces have been affected by high levels of election-related violence. Canadians travelling to other areas within the Highlands should exercise caution and contact the Australian High Commission in Port Moresby prior to travel.

The security situation on Bougainville Island has improved. However, travel to the central mountainous area around the old Panguna mine should be avoided. There are no tourist facilities, and transportation facilities are limited. Canadians should seek advice from the Australian High Commission in Port Moresby prior to travel.

Heightened tensions as a result of the Iraq situation, together with increased threats globally from terrorism, put Canadians at greater risk. Canadians should maintain a high level of personal security awareness at all times as the security situation could deteriorate rapidly without notice. Exercise extreme caution, particularly in commercial, public and tourist areas frequented by foreigners. Canadians should monitor local developments, avoid crowds and demonstrations, as well as register and remain in regular contact with the nearest Canadian government office or the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (call collect 613-996-8885).prior to travel.
Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade



 March 14th, 2003

Most visits to Papua New Guinea are trouble free. We currently advise against all non-essential travel to Southern Highlands Province. In other Highlands Provinces and in the cities of Port Moresby and Lae, the law and order situation remains very poor. Assaults, robbery, vehicle hijacks, random shootings and serious sexual assaults are common and whilst not specifically targeted, foreigners are much more visible targets. There is an increased risk from global terrorism in South East Asia.
Foreign & Commonwealth Office London



December 7th, 2002

Il n'est toujours pas recommandé de se déplacer dans la région des hauts plateaux ("Highlands"), notamment à Mount-Hagen, Mendi et Tari, où des bandes armées incontrôlées ont été signalées.
Un contact préalable avec l'ambassade avant tout déplacement dans le pays est plus que jamais nécessaire.
Ministère Français des Affaires Étrangères




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