Travel warnings


 March 28th, 2003

The vast majority of visits to Sri Lanka are trouble-free. Much of the north and east remains heavily mined, particularly around the A9 road to Jaffna, and you are advised not to travel to the area unless you are on business with an international agency or NGO. The chance of being caught in an indigenous terrorist attack has been very much reduced, but a return to fighting and terrorist activity cannot be ruled out. There is an increased general threat to visible British institutions and organisations from global terrorism.
Foreign & Commonwealth Office London



November 22nd, 2002

Des émeutes ont eu lieu à l'Est du pays (Ampara et Trincomalee) du 9 au 13 octobre 2002 et les autorités ont alors instauré un couvre-feu temporaire. Il reste donc fortement déconseillé aux voyageurs de se rendre dans cette partie du pays.
Ministère Français des Affaires Étrangères




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