Travel warnings

Worldwide Caution

 April 12th, 2003

The risk of indiscriminate terrorist attacks in public places, including tourist sites, will be especially high during military action in Iraq. You should be vigilant, take sensible precautions, be aware of local sensibilities, monitor the media, and check our Travel Advice for the country you live in or plan to visit.
Foreign & Commonwealth Office London


Worldwide Caution

 April 10th, 2003

Mit dem Fall von Bagdad zeichnen sich Perspektiven für eine baldige Beendigung des Irak-Krieges ab. Damit verringert sich weltweit das Risiko gewaltsamer anti-westlicher Proteste.

Die Gefahr terroristischer Anschläge besteht jedoch fort. Diese Einschätzung betrifft den Nahen und Mittleren Osten, Süd-, Ost- und Südostasien sowie das Horn von Afrika. Anschläge können auch nicht in den europäischen Staaten, in der Türkei, in Australien, den USA oder Kanada ausgeschlossen werden.

Weltweiter medizinischer Hinweis zur akuten infektiösen respiratorischen Erkrankung (SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom)
Stand: 11.04.2003

Das Auswärtige Amt empfiehlt ebenso wie die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), angesichts der akuten infektiösen respiratorischen Erkrankungen (SARS) in Hongkong und der südchinesischen Provinz Guangdong nicht unbedingt notwendige Reisen dorthin zu verschieben. Nach Einschätzung der WHO stellt das Vorkommen von akuten infektiösen respiratorischen Erkrankungen (SARS) in mehreren Ländern eine mögliche Gefährdung der öffentlichen Gesundheit dar.

Für diese und andere Reiseziele weist das Auswärtige Amt darauf hin, dass in zahlreichen Ländern bei der Einreise medizinische Verdachtskontrollen durchgeführt werden, die zu Quarantänemaßnahmen führen können.

Deutsches Auswärtiges Amt


Worldwide Caution

March 19th, 2003

This Public Announcement is being updated to alert Americans to an increased potential for anti-American violence, including terrorist actions against U.S. citizens, as a result of the military action in Iraq. The U.S. Government remains deeply concerned about the security of Americans overseas. American citizens are reminded that it is more important than ever to maintain a high level of vigilance and to take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness. This Worldwide Caution supersedes that issued on February 6, 2003 and expires on July 20, 2003.

As a result of military action in Iraq, there is a potential for retaliatory actions to be taken against U.S. citizens and interests throughout the world. Public demonstrations carry the potential for precipitating violence directed at American citizens, symbols associated with the United States or other U.S. and western interests.

The threat to U.S. citizens includes the risk of attacks by terrorist groups. Terrorist actions may include, but are not limited to, suicide operations, bombings or kidnappings. Possible threats include conventional weapons such as explosive devices or non-conventional weapons, including chemical or biological agents. Terrorists do not distinguish between official and civilian targets. These may include facilities where Americans and other foreigners congregate or visit, such as residential areas, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, schools, hotels, outdoor recreation events or resorts and beaches. U.S. citizens should increase their security awareness at such locations, avoid them, or switch to other locations where Americans in large numbers generally do not congregate.

U.S. Government facilities worldwide remain at a heightened state of alert and some have drawn down their dependents and/or personnel. These facilities may temporarily close or suspend public services from time to time for security reasons. In those instances, U.S. embassies and consulates will make every effort to provide emergency services to American citizens. Monitor the local news and maintain contact with the nearest American embassy or consulate.

Bureau of Consular Affairs of the United States of America




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