"The World of Islands" is provided to you free of charge: "as is". MDI International uses its best efforts to maintain "The World of Islands", but is not responsible for the results of any defects that may be found to exist in "The World of Islands", or any lost profits or other consequential damages that may result from such defects. You should not assume that "The World of Islands" is error-free or that it will be suitable for the particular purpose which you have in mind when using it. MDI International presents tourism professionals and islands, from the information communicated by them. MDI International can not be considered as responsible for the errors, the neglects or other defects being able to arise on "The World of Islands" pages. "The World of Islands" also proposes a "Special offers" section, supplied by the tourism professionals. No responsibility can be imputed to MDI International, for any errors, neglects and defects in the presented offers. These advertisements remain the whole property of the tourism professional, which coordinates are indicated in the ad. MDI International refers also to sites and information located worldwide throughout the Internet. Because MDI International has no control over such sites and information, MDI International offers no guaranty for such sites and information with regard to the accuracy, currency, content, or quality of any such sites and information.
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