Travel warnings


March 21st, 2003

Le déclenchement des opérations militaires en Iraq peut entraîner une aggravation de la menace terroriste. Il est recommandé aux personnes souhaitant néanmoins se rendre dans ce pays d'observer la plus grande prudence, notamment sur la côte (Mombasa, Malindi, Lamu) et de faire preuve d'une vigilance particulière dans les lieux publics fréquentés par les occidentaux.
Ministère Français des Affaires Étrangères



March 14th, 2003

This Public Announcement is being updated to provide additional information regarding potential terrorist activities in Kenya. It also reiterates the Department of State’s continuing concern about the possible heightened risks to American citizens and interests in Kenya. This Public Announcement supersedes the Public Announcement of December 24, 2002, and expires on July 17, 2003.

The U.S. Government has received indications of terrorist threats in the region aimed at American and Western interests, including civil aviation. The government of Kenya might not be able to prevent such attacks. All American citizens considering travel to Kenya are advised to reevaluate their travel plans in light of the current situation.

On November 28, 2002, there was a car bomb attack on a hotel near Mombasa, Kenya, in which 15 people were killed, and an unsuccessful attempt to shoot down an Israeli charter plane departing Mombasa on the same day. The threat to aircraft by terrorists using shoulder-fired missiles continues in Kenya, to include Nairobi. These incidents have highlighted the continuing threat posed by terrorism in East Africa and the capacity of terrorist groups to carry out attacks. U.S. citizens should be aware of the risk of indiscriminate attacks on civilian targets in public places, including tourist sites and other sites where Westerners are known to congregate.

American citizens in Kenya should remain vigilant, particularly in public places frequented by foreigners, such as hotels and shopping malls, and should also avoid demonstrations and large crowds. In particular, there is an increased threat against Westerners in the capital, Nairobi. Americans residing in and visiting Kenya are especially advised to reconsider non-essential travel to the coastal region.

U.S. citizens visiting or resident in Kenya are encouraged to register with the U.S. Embassy, where they may obtain updated information on travel and security within Kenya. Security updates are e-mailed to all registered Americans on a monthly basis. American citizens may complete a registration form on-line at or may request one by email at: American citizens living or traveling in Kenya may call the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi at 363-6000 during normal business hours; after-hours phone numbers are 363-6000 and 0722-204-445.

Bureau of Consular Affairs of the United States of America





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