As the name suggests, this site is dedicated to the islands of the world and particularly to tourism and travel in the world's islands. You will find for the moment, a data base of more than 2500 islands, which will be enriched bit by bit. In this attempt at a thorough cataloging of islands, you will discover the lesser known islands of the world as well as the better known ones, islands in the tropics and islands in the polar regions, islands of but a few square kilometers as well as those that cover thousands of square kilometers. The originality of this project lies in its diversity and its magnitude. While many islands conduct their own foreign relations and have their own Internet sites (which you can explore during the course of your visit), to the best of my knowledge there has not been until now any complete cataloging of the world's islands.
Above all, you can depend on the reliability of all the information that you find on this site, since it comes exclusively from the official tourism offices of the islands themselves and from our local partners in the tourist industry in the islands. Obviously, if you have more recent information, do not hesitate to send them to us. Instead of describing you "The World of Islands" website, it is easier to discover it by yourself. I wish you a pleasant visit and I am grateful for both your comments and for suggestions for the improvement of this site, which above all is your link to The World of Islands.
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