Introduction to "The World of Islands"

The designing of "The World of Islands" website, is the result of an inquiry realized with several thousand persons, concerning the islands tourism in the world. The analysis of this inquiry allows us to draw several conclusions : 

  • there are many islands about which the general public knows little or nothing. This is due to a lack of information and the difficulty of locating what information does exist. 
  • many consumers expressed an interest in receiving information and promotional materials to help them plan their trips in their own language and in the establishment of a contact that could answer specific questions.
  • the benefits of grouping all the islands together on a single website, so as to save time and facilitate research, comparison and the discovery of new destinations.
  • the benefits of grouping together tourist, practical and cultural information as well as information on the local tourist industry (lodging, rentals, local travel agencies...) for the same reasons as in the previous point.

It is to answer this real expectation of the consumers, that we decided to launch this Website, hoping to find a favorable interest by the tourism authorities of the islands (Tourism offices, ministries of the tourism, Chambers of Commerce or all other tourism institutions).



Join "The World of Islands"

To enable the greatest number of islands to join "The World of Islands", we offer two type of membership : 

  • Full Member : enables you to be represented in France (and in Europe, if needed). To have your own public relations and marketing office, as well as a virtual presence through the website. To know more about this membership, please click here.

This membership is particularly intended for the islands which have no representation in France (or in Europe).

  • Associate Member : enables you to be present on "The World of Islands" website, without benefiting from our public relations and marketing services, which will be supplied by yourself. Nevertheless, on request, additional services can be supplied by MDI International. To know more about this membership, please click here.

    This membership is particularly intended for the islands which already have a representation office in France.

Other kinds of collaboration are also available, by means of a partnership or an advertisement on "The World of Islands" website.



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