Media Newsletter
Free information for the media


To be informed of the last news and novelties about the tourism industry on the islands, but also about the political, economic and social situation of these islands, we propose you a free newsletter, reserved for the journalists and the media people.

The newsletter or press releases, which will be sent according to the current events (maximum twice a week), is edited from notes and press releases, which are supplied by the tourist authorities and the professionals of the islands. Consequently, all the information, which will be sent to you, results from official and reliable sources.

The newsletter and press releases are published in 3 languages : French, English and German and will be sent to you in HTML format and in the selected language.

With your subscription, you can take advantage of our free media services : information requests, contact with the professionals, media kits, familiarization trips, ... 

You can cancel your subscription at any time by sending us an e-mail with your name and your e-mail address at

To subscribe, please complete the registration form below. Fields marked with a (*) are compulsory. 

All the information you will send us, shall remain confidential and are for internal use only.


Please don't use any comma "," in the form below .

* Coordinates   at work        at home 
Title *
Last Name *
First Name *
ZIP / Postal Code
City *
State / Province
Country *
E-mail *
Web site

Your status       wage earner          freelance
Your function
Names of the media or organizations for which you work : 

Your specialties

* In which languages do you wish to receive the newsletter and the press releases ?  

French          English          German 

* Which kind of information do you want to receive ?

All kind of information about islands.

Press releases issued by the islands tourism authorities.

Press releases issued by the islands tourism professionals.

Special offers and packages (offered by the tourism authorities and professionals).

How did you hear about "The World of Islands" web site ?
Do you wish to receive our general newsletter ? *

Yes          No






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