

 12 Avril 2003

Military action in Iraq continues. Developments in Iraq and on the Middle East Peace Process continue to have an impact on local public opinion in the region and this might be expressed by some people, including through acts of violence against British nationals or organisations. You should follow news reports and be alert to regional developments.

There is reliable evidence that international terrorists are targeting western, including British interests in Yemen. The threat to British individuals and organisations from terrorism is high. Terrorist attacks in countries in the region could involve the use of chemical and biological materials.

We therefore advise against all travel. If you are already in Yemen you should consider leaving. British businesses and schools and British nationals resident in Yemen should review their personal security arrangements with the greatest of care. You should maintain a high level of vigilance, particularly in public places frequented by foreigners such as hotels, restaurants and shopping malls. You should take sensible precautions for your personal and vehicle safety and avoid any political gatherings and demonstrations.

British Diplomatic Missions in Yemen are closed to the public and are able to offer only limited Consular assistance to those who choose to remain. We have withdrawn all but a small complement of staff.
Foreign & Commonwealth Office London



 12 Avril 2003

Une coalition dirigée par les États-Unis a entrepris une intervention militaire en Iraq le 19 mars 2003. Compte tenu des tensions accrues découlant de ces hostilités, ainsi que des menaces grandissantes d'attentats terroristes dans le monde entier, on recommande aux Canadiens de reporter tout voyage au Yémen. Les Canadiens doivent évaluer s'ils ont besoin de rester au Yémen et, si leur présence n'est pas essentielle, envisager de partir. L'information au sujet de la crise en Iraq est disponible au www.criseirakienne.gc.ca.

On recommande aux Canadiens qui, malgré cet avertissement, choisiront de demeurer au Yémen, de ne pas voyager en dehors des grandes villes et d'être constamment sur leurs gardes, car la situation en matière de sécurité pourrait se dégrader rapidement et sans avertissement. Il convient d'être extrêmement prudent, en particulier dans les secteurs commerciaux et les lieux publics et touristiques fréquentés par les étrangers. On demande aux Canadiens de bien se tenir au courant de l'évolution des événements, de se tenir à l'écart des foules et des manifestations, de s'inscrire et de rester en contact étroit avec le consulat du Canada à Sanaa, l'ambassade du Canada à Riyad (voir ci-dessous) ou avec le ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international (appel à frais virés : 613-996-8885).

Évitez de laisser un véhicule sans surveillance, mais si cela se produit, il convient d'inspecter soigneusement le véhicule à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur afin de détecter tout dispositif fixé au véhicule ou colis suspect placé à proximité. Le courrier et les colis en provenance de sources inconnues doivent être considérés comme suspects. Si quelque chose vous semble louche, contactez votre répondant ou téléphonez immédiatement à la police yéménite. En cas d'incident, les suspects et les témoins peuvent être détenus pour une longue période sans avoir accès à un avocat ou à des agents du consulat. Lorsqu'il est accordé, cet accès peut être grandement limité par les autorités yéménites.
Ministère Canadien des Affaires Étrangères et du Commerce International



07 Avril 2003

Le déclenchement des opérations militaires en Iraq peut entraîner une aggravation de la menace terroriste. Il est conseillé de surseoir à tout projet de voyage sauf raison impérative. En raison du contexte régional et à l'approche des élections législatives du 27 avril 2003, l'Ambassade de France à Sanaa recommande aux ressortissants français présents dans le pays de faire preuve de la plus grande vigilance, d'adopter une attitude de réserve et de limiter leurs déplacements.
Ministère Français des Affaires Étrangères



28 Mars 2003

This Travel Warning is being updated to alert U.S. citizens that the Department of State has authorized the departure of adult family members and non-emergency personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa on a voluntary basis. Due to credible reports that terrorists have planned attacks against U.S. interests in Yemen and heightened tensions and increased security concerns resulting from the current situation in the region, the security threat to all American citizens in Yemen remains high. The Department of State continues to warn U.S. citizens to defer travel to Yemen. U.S. citizens in Yemen should consider departing. This Travel Warning supersedes that issued on November 30, 2002.

On March 28, 2003, the Department of State authorized the voluntary departure of adult family members and non-emergency personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa. U.S. Embassy employees have not been allowed to bring their children to Yemen since March 18, 2002. The Department of State reaffirms its warning to United States citizens to defer travel to Yemen. The Department has received credible reports that terrorists have planned attacks against U.S. interests in Yemen. The Department anticipates that threats against Americans in Yemen will continue given the increased tensions and security concerns resulting from the current situation in the region. The U.S. Embassy in Sanaa will continue to provide consular services to American citizens. However, from time to time, the Embassy may temporarily close or suspend public services as necessary for security reasons. Emergency assistance to American citizens during non-business hours (or when public access is restricted) is available through Embassy duty personnel, who can be contacted by telephone at 967-1-303-155.

U.S. citizens who remain in or travel to Yemen despite this warning should register at the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa and enroll in the warden system (emergency alert network) in order to obtain updated information on travel and security in Yemen. Americans in Yemen should exercise caution and take prudent measures to maintain their security. Americans should maintain a high level of vigilance, avoid crowds and demonstrations, keep a low profile, vary times and routes for all travel, and ensure travel documents are current.

The Embassy in Sanaa advises American citizens in Yemen to exercise particular caution at locations frequented by foreigners, such as the Sanaa Trade Center, American-affiliated franchises, restaurants and shops in the Haddah area in Sanaa and in Aden and elsewhere, and at restaurants and hotels frequented by expatriates. Americans who believe they are being followed or threatened while driving in urban centers should proceed as quickly as possible to the nearest police station or major intersection and request assistance from the officers in the blue-and-white police cars stationed there.

The U.S. Embassy is located at Dhahr Himyar Zone, Sheraton Hotel District, P.O. Box 22347. The telephone number of the Consular Section is (967)(1) 303-155, extension 118, 265, or 266. The fax number is (967)(1) 303-175. The after hours emergency number is (967)(1) 303-155.

Bureau of Consular Affairs of the United States of America



 18 Mars 2003

Das Auswärtige Amt warnt vor Reisen in den Jemen. Deutschen, die sich im Jemen aufhalten und deren Aufenthalt nicht dringend geboten ist, wird empfohlen auszureisen.

Die Botschaft Sanaa ist wie folgt zu erreichen:(P.O.Box 2562, Sanaa, Tel.: 00967-1-413174, Fax: 00967-1-413-179).

Deutsches Auswärtiges Amt






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