"The World of Islands" office would be an intermediary between the consumer and you. Consumers will be able to get all the information about their chosen destination, while at the same time discovering new destinations they might not have considered before. In addition, by bringing together all the useful information in one single location (those provided by you and those offered by the local tourist industry), the office will become a crucial address for consumers preparing island vacations, all the more so since these services are and will remain free for consumers. At the same time, all islands will benefit from the increased interest in their countries due to easier access to information. With this office, the smaller islands will have a presence in the European market, while the larger islands will see their presence grow and develop at less cost. Finally, this project also concerns those islands that already have their own tourist offices in France or other European countries. Statistics prove, in fact, that a large percentage of travelers are undecided as to their choice of destination. The "World of Islands" Office will allow you to make contact with this undecided clientele, a clientele who might not otherwise have thought to contact your island's individual bureau in Europe.
"The World of Islands" office : the nuts and bolts "The World of Islands" is a marketing, advertising and communications network in France and in Europe, which works under two forms : real and virtual. The Islands Promotion Office, to be called "THE WORLD OF ISLANDS", or MDI International, exist on the internet. This will enable us to reach a large number of consumers in both France and abroad, particularly in Europe. This website is accessible in 3 languages : French, English and German. From the word go, consumers and tourism professionals will be able to contact us by e-mail, telephone, fax and mail. The office will function in the same way as a classic tourist office. It will provide consumers and European professionals with appropriate information. This office is in Strasbourg, the capital of the European Union. The Pan-European orientation of this city makes it the perfect location in which to install an office of this type to promote the islands both in France and Europe. In addition, the city's central location, close to Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium, makes it convenient to most of the residents of the European Union.
Services to be offered by "The World of Islands" The services offered by "The World of Islands", within the frame of the Associate membership, are the following ones :
ADDITIONAL SERVICES : We stay at your disposal for any additional marketing and representation services, which can be handled by us. As examples :
Please, do not hesitate to tell us about your needs, we shall do our best to realize them.
Cost of the Associate membership The costs of the Associate membership is per year and in Euro : 750 Euro (ca. 810 USD)
Include in the fees : all the services detailed above. Not include in the fees : travel expenses when staff members of MDI International are requested by yourself, to visit the island ; all the expenses of implementation, realization, maintenance or quite other expenditure related to the additional services, not mentioned in the Associate membership package above.
If you need additional mini travel guides (for particular islands or group of islands), we give you - 20% discount from 2nd to 5th mini guides. From the 6th mini travel guide, we offer you a - 30% discount !
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